My current exercise routine
As I write an update every now and then of my exercise routine, it is time to put my current exercise routine up here.
My routine is rather simple. I currently focus on four big lifts: back squat, push press, deadlift and bench press – essentially the three powerlifting lifts, and the push press to get some training on explosive strength in there too.
I focus on 5 sets of 5 reps after warming up (the tried and tested 5 by 5 recipe). I usually increase weights over the sets. For the push press, I clean and then do my 5 presses.
My warm ups are simple too: usually I get on the spinning bike or rowing machine for 10 minutes as a warm up. Sometimes I do sprints on the treadmill or use the stairs machine. The rest of my workout will be weights as well.
In addition, I try to go for a 3 km run once a week, and sometimes add in a spin class. But right now, my main focus is them lifts and them gainz. And it has paid off – I have finally PRd my lifts; something I had not been able to do since 2016.
What is your current workout routine?