How I spent my time in Fall 2024
At the end of every semester, I look at the data in my Toggl reports to see how I spent my time.
Here’s how I spent my time in Fall 2024:
- Research proposals: 25.90%
- Conferences: 11.07%
- Teaching: 10.69%
- Service: 10.17%
- Teaching TU: 7.32%
- ACI Avances: 5.51%
- Papers: 4.05%
- Meetings: 3.20%
- Admin: 2.57%
- PhD project 1: 2.39%
- Fire safety: 2.14%
- Learning: 2.04%
- Planning: 1.91%
- BEST: 1.70%
- Research: 1.58%
- Blog: 1.33%
- PhD project 2: 1.20%
- PhD project 3: 1.19%
- PhD project 4: 0.98%
- Meeting TU: 0.67%
- Collaboration Denmark: 0.62%
- PhD project 5: 0.61%
- PhD Project 6: 0.41%
- PhD project 7: 0.26%
- PhD project 8: 0.21%
- PhD project 9: 0.12%
- Student help: 0.10%
- Collaborations: 0.03%
- Email + Admin: 0.02%
Here are a few observations from the data:
- It has been a busy semester and I have worked a lot (and also, a lot of hours, just like during the Spring, after the slightly slower Summer)
- Teaching has ramped up again, as I was teaching for both universities.
- I have mostly spent time writing proposals – I have worked on 16, 14 of which got submitted this year.
- I’ve spent relatively less time writing papers, but more time editing the papers of my PhD students, which reflects the season I am in.
- Avances took a fair amount of time – we are working on assessing which indexations to apply for, and how made major improvements to our website and workflows.
- All in all, I am quite happy with how much I achieved this semester. I knew it was going to be a lot, and I pretty much did everything I wanted to do.
How was your Fall 2024 semester?
Share with your peers!
Hi Eva,
Thank you for your lovely emails. I can learn a lot from reading your posts.
I was just wondering what Toggl is, and how you use it.
Can you give some details about this program?
And, of course, happy holidays.
Esther Feijen-de Jong
Hi Esther,
Sure! You can find toggl at track.toggl.com . It is essentially a small app/program that you install, and you let it “run” while you work, while “tagging” your activities so that it keeps a log of what you have been working on.
Happy holidays!