An update from the trenches
I knew that this semester would be particularly busy, seeing what I had on my plate.
So far, I am still standing – putting in a bit more hours than I would like to, and sleeping in a bit less than I would like to, but all in all, relatively ok. I am still picking up my kid from her activities every day, spending time with her for dinner and making homework, having my workouts, and playing some music and finding some time for my creative writing.
All in all, I have focused on my priorities: the ABET accreditation visit, the proposals that are due in November, and my students. I have declined a few more paper review invites, and I have been slower with my service contributions to the writing of technical documents. My mailbox is mostly overflowing, but every now and then I sit down and hack it back to inbox zero.
This semester, of course, remains challenging for me – but I am focusing on what is important: giving priority to my daughter, meeting the major deadlines, and advancing some in all ongoing projects.
Yes, I have done a few 4:30 am mornings to get ahead on some writing, and I have stayed working at home on my laptop a few times until midnight. I wish I could declare that every day is a 9 to 5 and I get it all done – but that is not the case. I also know that I will need to schedule a good chunk of holidays once this semester is over, to give myself the time and rest to recover.
But, all in all, this semester is moving forward, and so far, I have not broken any crystal ball, it appears.