Gratitude for 15 years at TU Delft
On September 1st 2024, I am officially 15 years at TU Delft.
I want to take this moment to look back and thank everyone who has made this journey (past and ongoing) possible.
My promotor and copromotor when I was a PhD student, who gave me all the opportunities I could dream of and continued supporting me and mentoring me.
My colleagues at university: for the detailed shear discussions, for the lunches and the borrels, and for always making me feel at home.
My supervisors, past and present, at all levels: for giving me the flexibility to build a career in two continents, and for all their advice and guidance.
The researchers I’ve had the pleasure of supervising: for their dedication, brilliant ideas, and great discussions.
And, of course, my students. I simply would not be at a university (or two) if it were not for the joy of seeing you learn and suddenly understand really. The moment when you catch the idea is one of the greatest professional joys I get to experience.