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How I Spent My Time In Summer 2024

How I spent my time in Summer 2024

At the end of every semester, I look at the data in my Toggl reports to see how I spent my time. In general, this semester had three parts to it: time in Ecuador, time in Delft full of meetings (followed by a conference and then my summer holidays), and a second half of my research stay in Delft which was slower in terms of meetings and allowed me to make some good progress in writing proposals.

Here’s how I spent my time in Summer 2024:

  • Research proposals: 15.42%
  • Conferences: 11.19%
  • Teaching TU: 10.43%
  • Admin: 9.50%
  • Service: 8.32%
  • PhD project 1: 6.83%
  • ACI Avances: 6.38%
  • Meetings TU Delft: 6.23%
  • Papers: 6.07%
  • Research project 1: 3.65%
  • PhD project 2: 3.40%
  • Planning: 3.05%
  • PhD project 3: 2.02%
  • Research project 2: 1.56%
  • PhD project 3: 1.04%
  • Blog: 1.01%
  • Learning: 0.90%
  • Teaching: 0.84%
  • PhD project 4: 0.45%
  • Research: 0.41%
  • Meetings USFQ: 0.39%
  • PhD project 5: 0.32%
  • PhD project 6: 0.30%
  • International collaboration project: 0.25%
  • Email + admin: 0.01% -> note that I usually track the project related to which I am replying the emails

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