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Evaluation Of My Summer 2024 Goals

Evaluation of my summer 2024 goals

As always at the end of the semester, I am taking some time to reflect on what I achieved of the goals I set out at the beginning of the semester.

Without much further preamble, here’s how I did:

Here’s what I will be focusing on:

  • Submit 4 papers. I submitted one, my PhD candidate submitted one, and there are 3 close to submission
  • Deliverable of research project (report). I am making progress on the report. It is not finished yet but I should be able to wrap it up in September.
  • Record lectures. Yes, all done! 12 lectures recorded – and I almost lost my voice over it.
  • Work on EU proposal. The first draft is almost done.
  • Work on other proposals. Yes, I have been working on proposals for nationally funded projects.
  • Work on deliverable of EU project. I submitted our part.
  • Work on fire research. Achieved as well!
  • Analyze natural fiber tests. This part is in progress – I think we will be able to put something nice together soon.
  • Plan final year of 2 PhD candidates. Perhaps not a full plan yet as it needs to be discussed with the full committee after the summer, but my input is there.
  • Visit of a colleague. I actually got three visits, one of which was the long-planned visit with meetings and discussions about collaboration.
  • Conference. Yes and it was great.

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