Skills to learn as an associate professor
As I have been recently promoted to associate professor in Delft, I have been thinking about my next steps. In particular, I have been thinking about the next skills to acquire.
While I cannot speak from experience to say that this list is correct, here are the skills I hope to develop over the next few years in my new role:
- Broader funding: I want to learn how to attract funding from a broader variety of sources. In the past, most of my research funding has come from one particular funding organization, and I want to move towards broadening my funding sources.
- Frame research projects within research program: Instead of thinking from project to project, I want to develop a strategy with long-term big-shot research goals that can be addressed by smartly combining various funded projects.
- Coordinate research projects: I currently coordinate my research projects, and the next step would be to coordinate a large international consortium.
- Organizational leadership: New to me is that I will probably start to be more involved in a number of organizational aspects within the faculty, and I will need to acquire the right skills to do so.
- Collaborate more broadly: For my future projects, but also for graduate student supervision, I am thinking about how I can collaborate more broadly with colleagues from different disciplines.
- Improve PhD completion times: PhD completion times are too long at TU Delft, and reducing the time of the projects is a high priority. While I do not know yet at this moment how to improve this, I intend to learn about this topic as much as I can and hopefully achieve better outcomes with my own PhD candidates.
- Mentoring of junior faculty: I have volunteered to serve as a mentor for junior faculty, especially for other women in part-time roles. While I am not yet mentoring anyone yet, I will be looking out for opportunities to support others.
- Reflect on TU Delft’s vision: When developing my next research projects, organizational activities, and updating my teaching, I want to do so with TU Delft’s vision for the future in mind. I plan to set aside time to read TU Delft’s vision document carefully and reflect on how I can align my activities with this plan.
- Present broadly: I hope to give my work more visibility by presenting to broader audiences. Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to give more keynote lectures, both within the bridge engineering world as well as at other universities to speak about academic matters that I have studied.
- Expand network: While I have built up a strong international network, I want to improve my collaborations with industry. For my position in Ecuador, I also want to strengthen my network in the country – for some reason, my research seems to have more impact in other countries in Latin America, such as Colombia and Brazil, than in Ecuador.
- Improve project management: I want to brush up my project management skills. In the past, I have focused on project management focusing on my own tasks. However, I want to learn how to manage projects with more players involved (and I think this skill could potentially be important as well to improve PhD completion times).
- Social safety: Social safety is a major issue at TU Delft at the moment, and in academia in general. I want to learn about universities that have achieved a high level of social safety, and what I can do in my daily work environment to create an atmosphere where all feel welcome and valued.
- Ethics: Throughout the MSc program, ethics is a constant learning line. As academics, we are faced with ever increasing ethical dilemmas, and I want to learn the tools to think deeply, broadly, and inclusively on these topics.
- Integrity: In line with thinking about TU Delft’s vision, I want to think about how I can further align my activities with the core values of the university, of which integrity is the cornerstone.
Which skills do you think are important for associate professors to learn?
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