My current approach to time and task management
In the past years, I had a time and task management system in which I put the large blocks of time during the day on my calendar (Google calendar), and the small tasks in my task management system (Todoist).
However, as my career has evolved, and I have more things going on at the same time. As a result, I have a larger number of small tasks. And, as a result, I noticed that I was having a harder time to finish my main tasks that I have on my calendar and then finish my tasks from Todoist in a given day.
My new approach has addressed this challenge.
I now only put reminders in Todoist (such as a reminder to check if I received a reply to an email), and put other small tasks in my calendar. If I need to do a few small things related to a project, such as setting up a poll to find a meeting time, or preparing a presentation for a meeting, or developing a budget sheet, then I will add these tasks to the main time slot for working on this task (for example, writing a proposal). Similarly, I can collect a few smaller administrative tasks and put these together in a time slot for administrative tasks.
By making sure that I don’t throw too many things in Todoist on top of the tasks in my Google Calendar, I now have a better grip on my time.
How do you manage your time and tasks? How do you ensure that your time and task management tools are streamlined?