Aligning work (and life) with our core values
I recently set aside a chunk of time to think about how to align my work (and life) with my core values. In discussions with GPT 4, I came to the following activities and journaling prompts to flesh out this topic for myself:
Review and Alignment with Core Values
Activity: Reviewing Core Values
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Objective: Reaffirm and reflect on your established core values.
- Materials: Journal.
- Prompt: List your core values. Reflect on why each is important to you and how they have shaped your decisions and life direction.
Activity: Current Life Assessment
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Objective: Assess how your current lifestyle, career, and personal activities align with these values.
- Materials: Journal.
- Prompt: For each core value, describe how well your current work and life reflect this value on a scale of 1 to 10. Identify areas where the alignment could be improved.
Activity: Goal-Oriented Vision Building
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Objective: Refine your vision of an ideal balanced life that integrates these values.
- Materials: Journal, digital or paper visual aids (e.g., vision board).
- Prompt: Update or create a new vision board that integrates your core values with your life goals, focusing on tangible outcomes and feelings. Envision your daily routine, work-life balance, and relationships in this ideal scenario.
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