2023 in review: highlights
One of my end-of-year practices includes looking back at the past year and seeing the highlights of each month. This is what 2023 looked like for me:
- January: dealing with the fallout of the cyberattack on our university.
- February: visit of international colleague to USFQ.
- March: reading a lot about fire safety.
- April: trip with my daughter during the Easter holiday.
- May: preparing the material of the new MSc course.
- June: traveling to Delft, with a trip to Lulea as well.
- July: spending time on the weekends with family and friends.
- August: summer holiday on the beach in Mexico.
- September: teaching the new MSc course and learning Python.
- October: organization of workshop on biobased materials as part of the EU project.
- November: ACI convention in Boston.
- December: final exams and end-of-year celebrations.
Overall, this is 2023 in a nutshell:
- 3 research projects in the Netherlands
- 2 research projects in Ecuador
- supervising 7 PhD candidates and involved with 2 more
- supervising 2 post-docs
- worked with 2 MSc students and starting now 2 more MSc students
- 16 publications in Google Scholar and 12 in Scopus
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