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An Extended Version Of My Semester Master Task List

An extended version of my semester master task list

I’ve updated my semester master task list.

Per class

  • prepare syllabus
  • prepare exams and solutions
  • put everything ready in D2L
  • for new class: plan time to prep class


  • reflect on previous semester: time spent – do I need to change weekly template?
  • Reflect on previous semester: evaluation of goals
  • plan next semester: go through calendar for upcoming milestones and travel
  • breakdown of time on weekly basis
  • block time on agenda
  • block time for main research tasks
  • Identify papers to write
  • goals
  • task list
  • see which new teaching is coming up that requires extra prep time
  • see kid activities, time and commuting time to activities
  • weekly template

Clearing the decks

  • organize office
  • planning on whiteboard
  • inbox zero


  • post weekly template
  • post semester goals
  • evaluation of goals of previous semester
  • how I spent my time in the previous semester

End-of-year reflection

  • fill out year compass
  • blog post on how I spent my time in the past year
  • blog post on goals of past year
  • blog post on highlights of the year per month
  • blog post on goals of upcoming year
  • ]blog post on best albums of year
  • ]blog post on best books of year
  • request leave for upcoming year and block in calendar
  • identify courses to take from wishlist
  • identify papers to write in upcoming year

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