Goals for 2022
Just like every year, I am here with my list of goals 🙂 For reference, here are my goals for 2014, 2015, 2019, 2020, and 2021 (looks like I forgot to blog about my goals for some years).
As last year, I used the method that I developed for planning, which I teach in a course on reflecting on the past year and planning for the next year. Yet, coming out of a particularly hard year and grieving the loss of my mom (and not having parents anymore), I am keeping my goals low. My main goal is to give myself the time to process everything and find my balance again. For that purpose, I will need to create space and rest.
Work goals
- Writing: Submit 5 journal papers (I outlined the topics for these)
- Research: spend 3 weeks in Delft (pandemic permitting), plan experiments, analyze other experiments, analyze yet another set of experiments, and apply for funding (not sure which source yet) in the Fall.
- Teaching: prep new MEng course, prep new MSc courses (2), supervise 3 BSc students, graduate 6 MSc students, graduate 3 PhD students
- Service: get the journal ACI Avances into Amelica and Redalyc and improve periodicity, work on committee documents, role as IABSE SEI vice-president, attend 1 conference in person (pandemic permitting)
- Admin: maintain inbox zero
- Blog: increase podcast downloads, get 3 speaking engagements, get more newsletter subscribers, break even with costs
- Average 8.75 hours of sleep per night
- Read 52 books
- Daily meditation
- Resume exercise, get to 30-60′ of exercise per day as prescribed by my oncologist
- Finish the online courses I purchased
- Move my piano to Ecuador
- Move to our new house
- Go hiking once a month
- Spend 4 weekends outside the city
- Have a summer holiday as a family
- Have two lunch dates per month
- Volunteer as a family (pandemic permitting)
Dear Dr.Evalantsoght,
Well planned balanced life of 2022. Interesting information that I like the most is reading 52 books, fixing the outline of 5 Journal papers, learning new subjects and graduating PhD students. Even, I started new year goals from 2021, I felt happy and celebrated new year after achieving all the planned goals. So, this year I have six major goals: 1. Finishing all my experiments related to PhD thesis, 2. Submission of 5 journal papers based on my thesis, 3. Improving the basic concepts of civil engineering subjects, 4. Improving the communication skills, 5. Purchase of land for new house construction, 6. Establish a international collaboration.
After reading your 2021 and 2022 goals, I got a solution for one my goals ‘Improving communication skills’ this is possible by reading books. Similarly, I learned how to balance work and personal life. You are amazing Dr. Evalantsoght.
Thank you.