2021 in review: evaluation of my 2021 goals
We’ve reached the end of another pandemic year. I wasn’t particularly ambitious when I wrote my list of 2021 goals, but I counted on being healthy. I’ve had a number of health issues throughout the entire year and then my mom passed away, so I’ve had a lot to deal with.
Let’s see how I did with my 2021 goals:
Work goals
- Writing: Submit 5 journal papers (I outlined the topics for these): Of the 5 topics I outlined, I submitted papers of 3 topics. Of one topic, I submitted 3 papers. I submitted other papers as well, and my students also submitted papers. With some conference papers from postponed conferences, I got to 14 papers in Scopus for this year. Certainly better than 2020.
- Research: travel to Delft for lab work, define research question with my most recently started PhD candidate, analyze the data from my survey on the PhD defenses, work on Research Project, apply for XX funding. I traveled to Delft, but only for a few days – just enough to see the lab, with my kid in tow. Not enough time actually help out with the testing. I analyzed all the data, and published 2 papers on the topic. I worked on the research project, and actually got an extra project for the fall to book some hours on. I applied for two sources of funding (as co-applicant).
- Teaching: obtain my UTQ, find balance with online teaching, teach in the MSc program in Delft (or get more involved somehow), supervise 4 BSc students, graduate 6 MSc students, graduate 2 co-supervised PhD students: I got my UTQ! I guess I’m getting better at online teaching, but I also notice that it is harder to grab the attention of my students now that they are in between in-person and online classes. I’m preparing material for the new MSc program. I graduated 1 BSc student and am supervising another student. I’ve only graduated 2 MSc students, and one is near finishing. None of my PhD candidates graduated this year.
- Service: get the journal ACI Avances into Scielo, propose a session for a conference, work on committee documents, edit a part of an issue of IABSE SEI, attend 4 conferences virtually. We didn’t publish the recent numbers of ACI Avances on time, so we will only be able to apply for Scielo in 2023. I proposed sessions for 2 conferences. I’ve been working on 4 different committee documents. I was the editor in charge of a chunk of papers (those on recent advances in the Netherlands and Belgium) of the May 2021 issue of Structural Engineering International. I attended the conferences I planned to attend virtually.
- Admin: tackle my email backlog, maintain inbox zero. Yes, my new system of folders and timeslots seems to work.
- Blog: increase podcast downloads, develop 3 online courses, get 2 speaking engagements, improve website further, improve newsletter with exclusive content. The podcast numbers look good. I made 1 course, and since this course was not a success, I gave up. I did 3 workshops for different universities. I didn’t work much further on the website. I sent my newsletter for 5 out of 12 months.
- Improve my handwriting: I bought a new pen, does that count?
- Average 8 hours of sleep per night: I’m averaging 7h34′ according to my Fitbit, but I learned through an analysis of my sleep data that I should be sleeping 8h45′ per night instead.
- Use my time in the evening for creativity: I’ve been working less in the evenings, but usually am too tired to do much creating.
- Take online courses (finish the courses I’m enrolled in): I’ve made progress, but haven’t finished all yet
- Make a large puzzle: No, I think my daughter needs to be older so we can enjoy something like this together
- Cook food from 70 countries: I’m working my way through the list. I did more at the beginning of the year than towards the end.
- Take a wine tasting course (from home): No.
- Read 52 books: Yes, and a bit more.
- Build our house: Change of plans here, as we will be moving to a different place next Spring and will stay there for a few years first.
- Go hiking once a month: We did a number of trips, but also had a complete lockdown in March-May 2021 again and then at the end of August I broke a toe and was stuck in a walking boot.
- Visit my family and friends in Europe: Yes, I went with my daughter over the summer.
- Join an online group or club: I joined a wine club and get a bottle with my subscription every month.
- Spend 4 weekends outside the city: We did a long weekend in May.
- Bring more beauty in our home: I’m enjoying my flower subscription, and I’m working on my little garden on the roof. I haven’t felt compelled to declutter or reorganize our current space.
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