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Research In Difficult Times Course And Newsletter

Research in difficult times course and Newsletter

Dear readers,

I have some updates for you!

The first one is that I launched a new course “Research in Difficult Times” on Teachable, which includes material to help you get unstuck in your research, find the support you need, and allow yourself to reflect on the difficulties you’ve encountered. You can find the following in the course:

  • 5 weeks of contents
  • 6 recordings per week
  • 3 lectures per week
  • 2 days of exercises per week
  • 1 day with recommended reading per week
  • Workbook
  • Designated Facebook group
  • Course evaluation

The course is centered around five topics: Yourself, Your research, Your supervisor, Your relationships, and Your university.

Note that I am trying to run PhD Talk on a not-for-loss model (so far, I am putting in a lot of my own resources), so I charge a small fee to take the course, to help me pay for the costs of licenses for the courses, the blog, the website technical support, and the podcast. I would appreciate your support for PhD Talk through course registration, but also understand if you cannot afford to do so. If that’s the case, you can reach out to me for a scholarship. My goal for the course (and PhD Talk) is to enable others to do their research and make positive changes to the world.

The second piece of news, is that PhD Talk has a newsletter. At the end of every month, I write a candid review of the past month, which I share with the subscribers of my newsletter. If you want some extra content, as well as an overview of everything that I produced in the past month, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter.

Thanks for reading, and for supporting my work with PhD Talk!


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