Development of recommendations for proof load testing of reinforced concrete slab bridges
My colleagues and I recently published a paper in Engineering Structures, titled “Development of recommendations for proof load testing of reinforced concrete slab bridges”. You can download the paper for free for the next 50 days through this link.
This paper is the last journal paper in a series of papers based on the research I carried out with regard to proof load testing. I have a few more conference papers planned on smaller analyses that I did as part of the research, but my data are depleted by now. On to new research and/or more testing to deepen this topic (wherever the funding takes us)!
The abstract of the paper is as follows:
As the bridge stock in the Netherlands and Europe is ageing, various methods to analyze existing bridges are being studied. Proof load testing of bridges is an option to experimentally demonstrate that a given bridge can carry the prescribed live loads. Based on extensive research on proof load testing of reinforced concrete slab bridges carried out in the Netherlands, recommendations for proof load testing of reinforced concrete slab bridges were developed. The recommendations for the preparation, execution, and post-processing of a proof load test are summarized in this paper. The novelty of the recommendations is that proof load testing for shear is studied, and that a proposal for stop criteria for shear and bending moment has been formulated. Further research on the shear behavior is necessary, after which the recommendations will be converted in guidelines for the industry.