The Best Way to a Successful PhD
Arjenne Louter, better known as The Dutch PhD Coach, is starting a new course titled, “The Best Way to a Successful PhD”.
Before the course, there will be a free webinar on March 27th (you ALL should attend this, my dear PhD student-readers!), and then the course will be from April 10th to June 5th.
Let’s first look at the contents of the webinar!
If you want to learn:
• Why some PhD students do and others don’t finish in time
• The 3 biggest mistakes PhD students make
• The exact steps you need to take to make sure YOU finish successfully and in time
then join March 27th for the free webinar; you can click to subscribe. And… special bonuses for everyone who joins!
This webinar is conducted by Arjenne Louter, the Dutch PhD coach. She has 20+ years experience in teaching and researching academic skills and helped hundreds of PhD students to finish their thesis successfully and in time.
So, given that the webinar is free – why wait? Just go ahead and subscribe!
Then, there is the excellent course. I’ve had a chance to review the material of this course, and I’d like to recommend this course for students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of a 4 year PhD program. The material of this course is of high quality, and consists of teleseminars, reading assignments, videos, forum discussions, and more – a wide variety of (visually) engaging material that won’t feel like a chore when you work through it during your evenings.
What I like most about the course is that it deals with both the technical aspects of doing research (such as planning, writing, delving through the literature and more), the soft skills involved (dealing with your supervisor(s), negotiation techniques,…) and the energy work that is related to doing a PhD (staying healthy and happy, keeping your spirits high). In those terms, Arjenne’s approach is fully in line with the academic lifestyle that I promote, which is based on hard work during a limited number of hours, and then plenty of time to refresh and replenish, to keep your creative side happy and energized.
If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut with your PhD, or if you are just starting in your PhD program and you could use some training to sharpen your research skills, I cordially recommend you check out the course on The Best Way to a Successful PhD (you can thank me later for this recommendation – this course is similar to a course I took in the 2nd year of my PhD and which I credit to a good part of the success I had in my program, and which helped me to learn more about myself, my working styles and my necessities and limitations).