On waking up early
During the exam periods, you're much more likely to find students in the library at 2am the night before the exam trying to push the last pages of their course into their memory than that you are likely to find…
During the exam periods, you're much more likely to find students in the library at 2am the night before the exam trying to push the last pages of their course into their memory than that you are likely to find…
If you haven't seen the slides of Joshua Drew's presentation on the Impostor Syndrome, you should take some time right now and check out the presentation. Joshua Drew gave this lecture on the Impostor Syndrome to first year MA students…
I recently wrote a post on How to know when to change course in your research, and I got the following question from a reader:interesting (and helpful) comments. however, once you recognize that there is a 'problem' how do you…
Another great question from a reader - and one that will certainly sound very familiar to all of you starting your research journey. Here's the question:i want to start over research work on child labour, but i do not how…
This post is part of the series PhD Talk for AcademicTransfer: posts written for the Dutch academic career network AcademicTransfer, your go-to resource for all research positions in the Netherlands. These posts are sponsored by AcademicTransfer, and tailored to those…
My lovely readers! I'm so pleased by all the questions I'm receiving - feels like I'm writing something really useful (at least for 1 person) instead of just ranting on about myself.I received this question lately (and I've taken out…
I used to haul a big package of cookies and coffee into my office to get some serious work done, but over time, I noticed that sugar and fat make me really sleepy. Way back in 2010 I already wrote…
In the weeks following my PhD defense and graduation, I wrote about how I prepared for my PhD defense and about my experience during the defense itself. Long before my own defense, I had already written a post about the…
Tenure, She Wrote recently published a post on exercise routines, and I really recognized my own experiences in that post.It's counter-intuitive, but it always happens: whenever I am burried in work, stressed out and need exercise the most, I start…
It's Q&A time! I recently got this question from a reader, and would like to expand on it in a full post.The question is the following, as a comment to the post on my PhD schedule: To me, it sounds…