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I’m available for speaking engagements at universities, colleges, and research institutes. My talks can be tailored to undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and early career researchers.

For now, I am available to speak through videoconference. When travel resumes, I will be available for in-person engagements as well as online events.

My expertise is in the following topics:

  • Orientation towards an international graduate program for undergraduate students;
  • Getting started with your PhD;
  • Planning methods and tools for researchers;
  • Preparing and passing your PhD defense;
  • Balancing work and family duties for academic parents;
  • Finding your voice and balancing commitments as an early career researcher.

Feel free to reach out to me to discuss a possible speaking engagement!

Find me on Speakerhub.

Here’s a selection of previous keynotes and workshops of I gave:

  • “Sharing your research online: blogs, podcasts, and social media”, BAAL (British Association of Applied Linguistics) Worskhop, London Metropolitan University, October 2021 (online)
  • “Raising a family while building a career in academia”, IGK Diversity and Inclusion Day, Berlin, Germany, July 2021.
  • “Less is more, and other e-teaching lessons from the trenches”, eLearning Success Summit, April 2021.
  • “Planning the unplannable: methods, tools, and tips for planning reseach,” CUSO-ESPP Doctoral School, Universite de Fribourg, Switzerland, November 2020
  • “The road to breaking bridges and stereotypes”, ANEIC Ecuador, online, April 2020.
  • “10 Planning concepts I wish I’d known before my PhD,” Keynote lecture for the opening of the academic year for PhD students in Engineering, March 2019, Universidade de Sao Paolo en Sao Carlos.
  • “The road to breaking bridges and stereotypes,” Foro II, Women in Science and Engineering, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador, November 2015.


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