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Branding Fail

Today, I was reading an article on an online newssite. The article was about a company that offers training courses to demotivated and burnt out employees. I thought that sounded interesting (I enjoy reading about personal leadership and development), and…

Friday already?

Before last February, I used to feel a sort of panic on Friday afternoons, thinking: "Oh no, this is the end of the week, and I have done so little!"What I changed last February is that I started to make…

Day zero project

Since August, I have my own Day zero project ( ), which consists of my 101 goals in 1001 days - ending around April 27th, 2013. I've gradually started to accomplish small things that simply make me feel happier…

A new blog

A new academic year comes with some kind of new year's resolutions. For me, one of those was to start a blog, in which I am supposed to keep track of how well I'm doing with my other resolutions.I have…

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