I was happy to see that there is a new PhD comic today, titled "Reimbursement"I've heard similar stories, of course, but I am glad to write here that TU Delft has a perfect method for travel arrangements, and I think…
I was happy to see that there is a new PhD comic today, titled "Reimbursement"I've heard similar stories, of course, but I am glad to write here that TU Delft has a perfect method for travel arrangements, and I think…
After reading (amongst others) this article about using your strengths to find your most suited path, I've spent quite some time reflecting on this issue. The fact is, I've never made a choice based on my strengths. In fact, I've…
Last Sunday, I -finally- visited the Magritte museum in Brussels. I would highly recommend everyone to visit this relatively young (open since 2009) museum. Details can be found here. Although I grew up with an admiration for Magritte, I didn't…
As a PhD student, writing is one of my main activities. I've been trying to improve my academic writing over the past year as part of my PhD journey. Although I haven't had to face a giant writer's block yet,…
For a PhD student, I am quite an early bird. I start every day at 8am, and I arrive to my office some time between 7:50am and 8am.Having a steady routine seems to be a great way to work continuously…
Today has been a day of great and fast progress. At 2pm I had a meeting with my supervisor to discuss a proposal that I had written for a design code which is in progress. We discussed it, and he…
I haven't been writing much lately, nor have I been doing my best at meditating, getting enough sleep, focusing and all the other good plans I had for 2011. I've been stressed out and tense for the better part of…
In this post, I'm elaborating on the first way to motivate yourself which I described earlier on. The very basis for my habit of taking my own planning seriously dates back to the time when I was studying in Brussels. In…
One of my New Year's resolutions was that I would be working hard towards a better concentration and focus. My attention span is extremely short, and I have never been able to stretch it longer. I am not sure if…
It's been more than half a year since I read this book, but the main plus of this book is that it is written in such an entertaining and funny way. The material from this book just stayed better in…