Live blogging at TEDxDelft
Just a quick note: I'm live blogging from TEDxDelft today - and trying to keep a good shot of science and inspiration together.All articles will appear here
Just a quick note: I'm live blogging from TEDxDelft today - and trying to keep a good shot of science and inspiration together.All articles will appear here
In a session on "Recent Developments in Reinforced Concrete Slab Analysis, Design and Serviceability" I gave the presentation for which you can find the slides in here: Shear capacity of slabs and slab strips loaded close to the support from…
De ontwerpster van het mooiste boek ter wereld. De kristalonderzoeker die per ongeluk astronaut werd. De vrouw die de regels voor hoogtechnologisch draagmoederschap aan de kaak stelt. De kwantumwetenschapper die atomen aan de andere kant van de wereld kan omdraaien.…
As I wrote in my very first post, research is not like making homework. In fact, even though a PhD is the third cycle of higher education (especially when taking coursework), there is large difference between studying and doing research.…
For the past two years, I haven't had much opportunities to work from home as I have been very busy with my experiments in the lab. I do have the habit to squeeze in some hours during the weekend, but…
Today, during lunch, I attended a presentation on the diversity policy of TU Delft, and here's a quick overview of what struck me most:- Even though the Netherlands is one of the most progressive and developed countries around, it has…
Most of the time, I present in English, but every now and then I gt to talk in my native language. It's a strange sensation that talking about my research in my mother tongue takes me slightly more effort than…
Some time ago, I was asked why I decided to pursue a PhD, and how I got an idea of what a PhD candidate's work life looks like. In fact, I had always liked to idea of simply keeping on…
Yesterday was PhD talk's first birthday. One year since my first blog post, and I must say it has been a great experience.I started off this blog to keep track of how I am doing with my resolutions (stay focused…
There are a few websites I regularly check to see if there's an interesting conference coming up to which I should submit an abstract. These are:ACI: International conferencesfib eventsASCE ConferencesAfter attending a few conferences, I now also receive calls for…