A fresh start
I recently found myself stuck in trying to solve an issue in my research. My desk was filled with possibly related papers, notes, sketches, books and more random stuff.At a certain point I felt that I could not move forward…
I recently found myself stuck in trying to solve an issue in my research. My desk was filled with possibly related papers, notes, sketches, books and more random stuff.At a certain point I felt that I could not move forward…
Here's the announcement of the TEDxDelft Salon talk on concrete I will be giving on October 17th in the Library of Delft University of Technology. The description is as follows:Fifty Shades of ConcreteWell-designed structures interact with their surroundings: they can…
Today, I was watching the following talk on publication bias:http://video.ted.com/assets/player/swf/EmbedPlayer.swfMany negative research results are not reported: not only in the medical field, but in other fields as well: even knowing that trying to apply a certain method or technique on…
CD reviews are not a regular feature on this blog, but I like making an exception for this album: Les Fleurs du Mal by Therion. On sale since yesterday at the shows of their "Flowers of Evil & 25th Anniversary"…
In a previous post we looked at the different levels at which you can be reading during your PhD studies. This post focuses on keeping up with the mass of output that is being published. Flickr picture under CC license…
Part of my off-campus summer readingA recently came across the interesting Storify on reading loads in a PhD course While I do not have PhD level courses in my program, and focus on research only, the topic of reading loads…
"We are very proud to announce the second edition of TEDxDelft: 5 October 2012 we will open the doors of the Aula Congress Centre again to celebrate TEDx with you once more. This year TEDxDelft theme is ‘never grow up‘.…
I've been toying with and fine-tuning my morning routine quite some over the past months. The ultimate goal is simple: I want to be energized, ready to dive into the day, and with as little friction and time-loss as possible.…
At the 9th fib (International Concrete Federation) PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, I presented some of the experimental results of my research. Two years ago, I already participated in the 8th edition of…
At the IABMAS (International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety) 2012 conference, I presented a case study we conducted some time ago for a local bridge owner.The abstract of the paper is as follows:A 50-year-old bridge showed large cracking in…