Masterclass: Reflect on 2020 and plan 2021
Join me on a five-day masterclass in which you reflect on your research, work, and life in 2020, and get ready for 2021. Check out the course on Teachable.
Join me on a five-day masterclass in which you reflect on your research, work, and life in 2020, and get ready for 2021. Check out the course on Teachable.
As I am reading Deep Work by Cal Newport, I realize that perhaps I am trained to do good work because of my studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I've written before about the large amounts of material students at VUB…
I recently finished reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. I've read his book "So good they can't ignore you" before, and -as I am writing this- am working my way through Deep Work*. While I generally like Newport's books, I…
Studying for your PhD can be fantastic. However, a PhD also has it drawbacks. Sometimes you are really distressed and disheartened. Probably not because of your subject or research, but more because of the whole process. How to handle your…
I recently ran a poll on Twitter to get an idea of how many PhD students are parents, and I wrote a blog post about it. I received an email from a reader, which I find a very pertinent observation,…
Some time ago, I received a reader question. I actually wasn't able to reply on time because my mailbox got so full, but I still think it's an interesting question to address. Here's the question, edited for anonymity. Hello Eva,…
I recently gave a presentation for the University of Chimborazo (UNACH) on the recent testing of prestressed girders we did in Delft. You can find the slides here Pruebas de cortante en vigas postensadas from Eva Lantsoght
This post is part of the series PhD Talk for AcademicTransfer: posts written for the Dutch academic career network AcademicTransfer, your go-to resource for all research positions in the Netherlands. These posts are sponsored by AcademicTransfer, and tailored to those…
I recently gave a second presentation for ANEIC (the Ecuadorian association of civil engineering students) titled "Pruebas de carga en puentes de hormigón armado". You can find the slides here: Pruebas de carga en puentes de hormigón armado from Eva…
Today, I have the pleasure of welcoming Zarrar Salahuddin to share more about the PhD defense in Pakistan. Zarrar is currently a PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering, at the School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME), National University of Sciences…