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Pilot Proof-Load Test on Viaduct De Beek: Case Study

My colleagues and myself recently published a paper in the Journal of Bridge Engineering, titled “Pilot Proof-Load Test on Viaduct De Beek: Case Study”. The paper reports on the proof load test on viaduct De Beek which our research group carried out in November 2015. I couldn’t join my colleagues in the field at that time, but in the summer of 2016, I helped finalizing the analysis report of the test.

The abstract is as follows:

For existing bridges, proof-load testing can be a suitable assessment method. This paper addresses the evaluation of a posted reinforced concrete slab bridge over a highway through proof-load testing, detailing the preparation, execution, and analysis of the test. As the target proof-load and the required measurements for proof-load testing currently are not well-defined in the existing codes, this pilot case was used to develop and evaluate proposed recommendations for proof-load testing for a future guideline on proof-load testing for the Netherlands. Moreover, the pilot proof-load test is used to study the feasibility of proof-load testing for both shear and flexure.

You can download the paper here:

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